Band of brothers

Band of brothers

ponedeljek, 6. september 2010

Euro Firefighter: Fire Tactics and Training Manual ... Uvod

S pomočjo Vrshota (hvala Aleš!) končno dobil knjigo, katera je bila že dolgo na mojem spisku želja. Naročiti jo je bilo potrebno preko net-a v Angliji, bližje je žal ne prodajajo. Žalostno je to, da Slovenski gasilci nimamo podobne literature - kljub precejšnjemu številu svetovno priznanih strokovnjakov iz področja Gasilstva in Varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami. Najbrž je tudi tu, kot povsod, denar sveta vladar ;)  Upam, da kmalu dobimo kaj podobnega!

Naslovnica knjige
Pa ne bom tople vode odkrival...knjigo imam in že po prebranem uvodu sem ves navdušen, kazalo pa obeta še več. Dodaten + je tudi v vežbi angleškega jezika, kajti knjiga seveda ni v slovenščini ... mimogrede, tako pozorno in počasi že dolgo nisem bral nobene knjige. Le zakaj? V glavnem, odločil sem se, da vam iz vsakega poglavja tu gor napišem kratek povzetek - zakaj nebi znanja delili? ;) Pa začnimo z predstavitvijo avtorja in uvodom v samo knjigo.

Paul Grimwood je kot poklicni gasilec delal v Gasilski brigadi London (West End okrožje), nekaj časa pa je preživel tudi v Ameriki. Sprva v New York`s South Bronx 7th Division (18 mesecev), nato pa kot prostovoljni gasilec/ EMT (Emergency medical technician) na južni obali Long Islanda. To je že njegova tretja knjiga (Fog Attack in 3D Firefighting). Kot USAR inštruktor je bil na nalogah v Iraku in Bosni. 11 let je delal tudi kot preiskovalec požarov v Londonski gasilski brigadi. Opravljenih ima tudi več drugih inštruktorskih specialnosti. Več pa na Euro Firefighter.

Nekaj izpisov iz prvega poglavja - uvoda knjige:

JOHN NORMAN - 5 principov za gasilske vodje:
1. ko nimaš zadosti moštva za gašenje in reševanje, ima reševanje prednost!
2. ko nimaš dovolj moštva za vse naloge, najprej dokončaj tisto, ki reši največ življenj!
3. reši najprej tiste, ki so v največji nevarnosti!
4. ko imaš dovolj moštva za gašenje in reševanje izvajaj to koordinirano!
5. če ni nevarnosti za civiliste ne ogrožaj po nepotrebnem življenj svojih gasilcev!

Ker so gasilci v večini predstavljeni kot "zadnja linija obrambe države" ali "heroji" se še sami dodatno izpostavljajo nevarnosti. Želja po služenju ljudstvu in uspehu dela gasilce to kar so! Lep primer je opažanje častnika za varnost pri FDNY Al Turi-ja (besedilo je v celoli prepisano in se nanaša na obnašanje gasilcev po napadih na WTC, 2001):

When I reflect back On the whole thing, what 1 think is really important to bring out is that the courage and the bravery of the firemen was more outstanding than 1 thought it possibly could have been. You could look in their faces and you could see the fear. They knew what they were getting into. They knew what they were going to. They knew they were going to have the worst firefight of their lives, yet they all went, without question. You could almost see the relief on some of the people that we didn't send in, put in staging area. You could almost sense the relief in their faces that we weren't sending them across the street at that time. All we had to do was say,“ You`re up next”  and they would have gone in. There is been such tremendous talk about how many firemen came to the WTC on their own and these did contribute to our fatalities because they themselves became fatalities. The answer is, Yes it's a shame and it's unfortunate that we didn't have better discipline within the department, where we would have assured they would have all reported to a staging area or a central location, but when you think about it, it`s a part of culture as firefighters to do exactly what they did. That's why they did it. It`s that mental attitude that enables a normal person, which is what a firefighter is, just a normal person, male or female, to go into a burning building. That's what keep fire department running, that mental attitude. The same thing that caused those people to leave what they were doing when they were off and report to that site, that`s the attitude that enables them to enter burning buildings on an everyday basis. Obviously, in the future, the department is going to have to demand more discipline from people, but somehow not stifle that attitude that enables them to do their job.

Mislim, da bolje nebi mogel opisati delovanja in miselnosti Gasilcev! Zgoraj napisano več kot očitno ne velja samo za Ameriške gasilce!

Vodje se po prihodu na lokacijo morajo informirati o več faktorjih - pomagajo si lahko z naslednjo kratico: WALLACE WAS HOT, ki pomeni naslednje: W-water, A-area, L-life hazard, L-location, A-apparatus, C-construction, E-exposures, W-weather, A-auxilary appliances, S-special matters, H-height, O-occupancy, T-time. Vglavnem Wallace je na vsaki nesreči vroč! Vodje zapomnite si to :)

Za konec prvega poglavja še ena lepa misel: "Najboljši ogenj na katerega se lahko odzovemo je ta, ki ga lahko preprečimo!"

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